Poker Scenarios

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You might have heard of game theory optimal (GTO) or GTO poker solvers before. You might have also heard that you shouldn't try to play GTO, that you should only play an ABC poker strategy - a simple yet effective that should beat your incompetent opponents. However you would be wrong.

Poker Tournament Directors Association - The Poker TDA is a voluntary trade association of the poker tournament industry. The Association is dedicated to adopting a uniform set of poker tournament rules worldwide. The Poker TDA is a voluntary trade association of the poker tournament industry. Challenging the way the poker world learns since October 2019, Pokercode's goal is to redevelop the way poker players learn and accompany like-minded poker enthusiasts to progress their poker game efficiently and systematically (through an interactive Netflix-like content platform and a massively supportive community). Founded and guided by the world's best, Fedor Holz and Matthias Eibinger.

GTO solvers are basically a super calculator for poker which allows players to set-up a hand scenario and find the optimal solution to that situation. You basically ask the solver a question and it gives you the GTO answer.

Has poker been solved and turned into a game like Tic Tac Toe?

There are still limitations to what GTO solvers can do.

For example, they currently only solve for heads-up confrontations. But there’s a lot of benefits to using a GTO solver. They aren’t cheap. And often the learning curve deters people.

With the Pokertrainer App for Iphone or Android you can learn how to play poker or improve your skills with interactive exercises. The exercises are built to let you practice poker one skill at the time for immediate feedback and improvement. Members can review and practice LearnWPT Poker Hand scenarios all in one place. Hand analysis is one of the best things you can do away from the table to improve your results at the table and with a LearnWPT Membership you can practice anytime! LearnWPT is a Membership based poker learning site dedicated to providing education and instruction of functional strategies built to improve the games. After running all the possible scenarios in her head, she reluctantly decided to call. Bernard Lee is considered “The Voice of New England Poker” and is a staple of the poker media as a.

This article we’ll weigh up the benefits and pitfalls of using a GTO poker solver. And reveal how to get the most out of using a GTO solver.

Is GTO the best poker strategy?

When it comes to beating poker, the term ‘GTO’ often gets thrown around like it’s the ultimate strategy. The idea of pure game theory optimal solutions (i.e. equilibria) works most effectively when players are playing perfect strategy. However, that isn’t often the case.

I HAVEN’T studied Tic Tac Toe, but I’m confident as the player going first, selecting the middle box as the first move would be optimal.

I HAVE studied poker for years, and sometimes I’m still not sure of the best play in a certain situation!


Poker is a complex game. As human players, we don’t consistently make optimal decisions. Some rarely do!

So what good is an equilibrium strategy when our opponent is deviating far from using an optimal game plan? After all, the importance of adjusting to your opponent and the mantra of ‘play the man’ has been at the crux of winning poker strategy since Cowboys on tilt were drawing pistols in saloons.

Here's a short video that addresses the role GTO plays in the poker world.

The power of GTO poker solvers

Well firstly, there are still certain takeaways from observing a GTO solver work its magic and plot an equilibrium solution. And secondly, solvers do allow you to set parameters so you can calculate an optimal strategy when playing a non-perfect player.

Benefits from eyeballing equilibrium play

Being able to eyeball a perfect strategy is a useful learning aid. It’s not always practical for the specific game type and opponents a player encounters in their regular games. But seeing a perfect strategy being modeled can be very thought provoking.

Especially when a players style of play differs in spots from the GTO mold. Players in a sense are forced to reflect on their own play and question why they exhibit certain tendencies.

Are they exploiting a certain opponent weakness or population tendency? Or is it a bad habit that’s developed that their opponents can capitalize on?

GTO Poker Solver Example

Let’s take cbetting small pairs on the flop as an example. Solvers like to bet very small pairs in a lot of instances on the flop. These marginal holdings benefit greatly from taking the pot down on the early street. They have few outs to improve, and so the board texture usually develops unfavourably for them.

It makes sense to protect them in a lot of situations. But some players might frequently check back the flop rather than cbet figuring they just want to try to showdown with a weak hand.

Identifying these types of smart strategical patterns helps players modify and improve their own play. Here’ a few more examples;

  • How is middle pair played?
  • Should BB check-raise low boards a lot on the flop?
  • What’s the role blockers play in spots?
  • Backdoor flush draw play
  • When do solvers over-bet the river?
  • Should ace high cbet dry flops?

Some of which might be instantly beneficial if incorporated into a players game

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Benefits from locking opponent strategies

Frequently as we observe opponent play we notice tendencies they have. Additionally using a HUD or poker tracking software online will sometimes expose bad habits.

Once you’ve locked on to what you believe to be an opponent weakness, you can configure the poker solver to plot a new optimal strategy based on this information.

This approach of analyzing a GTO strategy for the specific opponent you’re playing against is a powerful tool solver's offer and is usually referred to as ‘locking a strategy’ or ‘setting a strategy’.

It’s the best feature for most solver users because it allows for relevant, specific hand analysis based on the real situations you encounter regularly. And you can gain insight into how a solver goes about adjusting to take advantage of deviations from equilibria.

GTO Solver Example #1 : Video

For example, take the passive opponent that rarely check raises us on the flop. Since we'll get to realize our equity more often, we can cbet at a high frequency. Taking advantage of the fact we rarely get blown off our hand on the flop. Which was the situation a student asked me about recently, as discussed in the video below.

GTO Solver Example #2: Check Raising

Or perhaps you’ve spent some time playing with an opponent and he seems to be cbetting 100% on the flop, poker solvers allow you to input this tendency and work out the best response.

Whilst it might be obvious to some that check-raising a player over cbetting is likely to be a good strategy, solvers provide more than just an ideal fold percentage, call percentage and raise percentage.

Additional insights such as; what parts of your range fit best as fold/call/raise, what raise sizing is best, your equity and EV for the situation, how you should proceed on various turn and river outcomes, and all the while what your opponent’s responses should be to your moves. In fact, the extensive amount of data presented can be a little overwhelming to a first time user.

Players modifying solvers to better represent their opponent’s behavior, frequently express overall improvements in their game from the knowledge they gain.

Seeing how a solver adjusts to different situations prepares players for the next time they encounter a similar situation.

Moreover, solver users tend to get a better handle on how they should be playing their range of hands as opposed to a specific hand. Which makes any player more savvy on the felt. As well as players expressing how they start to see the game more in depth, by being able to visualize a hands decision points as branches on a game tree.

This often assists with recognizing opponent leaks and identifying opportunities to exploit. And serves to place importance on strategy as a whole. Where ultimately, consistently making better decisions than your opponents over time, leads to winning results.

Limitations Of Poker Solvers

Locking strategies requires a little more than the basic knowledge of using the solver and if not executed correctly, it could lead to unreliable results.

Use of this feature requires you to be able to fairly accurately gauge your opponent’s tendencies. And this is where a considerable ‘human element’ still remains. In fact, from the get go when you are selecting hands to include in your opponents range, and setting bet sizes, the more accurately you can set the parameters in the solver to reflect the game situation the more reliable the calculations will be.

Unfortunately, this often brings about another limitation solvers have, the time it can take to compute. Especially when setting multiple bet and raise sizes. As the game tree gets larger, so does processing time. Whilst simpler solutions might only take a minute or 2, having several betting and raising sizes, as well as the option to lead bet, might take the better part of an hour to process. And that’s presuming your PC is relatively up to date.

For extremely complex calculations, such as running scripts or doing heavy preflop work, people sometimes rent servers or use cloud computing. Or you could let the computer run over night.

Gambling Scenarios

To speed up regular hand calculations, compromises can be made. For small concessions in accuracy, considerable time can often be saved. With results still acceptably accurate.

So solvers can provide GTO solutions to the heads-up scenarios you encounter at the table. Calculations that are extremely accurate, and fast enough to be usable.

So which GTO poker software is right for me?

The three most competitive solvers, with positive reviews, are;

  • GTO Range Builder- More graphical/visual. Web version only. Lots of educational material (though the content is reported to be quite overwhelming for beginners).
  • SimplePostflop- More tabular. Standalone version. Can start the analysis preflop.
  • PioSOLVER- More tabular. Standalone version. Preferred by most players for its less complicated operation and functionality.

A discussion comparing the best poker solvers, PioSOLVER and GTORB, can be found in this post and responses on Two Plus Two.

Players new to solvers often have good things to say about GTO Range Builder. It has a web interface and is quite fast whilst some also consider it to be moderately easy to use.

However, my recommendation would be PioSOLVER. It’s operation and functionality consistently gets good reviews. And for some of the more difficult capabilities, there’s always tutorials and videos available, all backed by excellent support. There’s even a Skype group new customers can join.

See how to simulate a hand, analyze the data, and take-aways from using a GTO solver with Acesup from our 26 minute premium content video below:

The price point is also competitive for solvers, with the basic version coming in at $249.

There’s also a pro version for $475 (which offers 2 installs, and scripting capability), as well as an edge version for $1,099. Pricey because it includes a preflop solver.

Can it really help me? Will it be worth it?

If you don’t do study away from the tables and are hoping for a wonder toy calculator that will make things easy for you. It’s unlikely you’ll get anything out of owning a solver. As has always been the case with poker, the more effort you put in the more you’ll get out of it.


And to be able to get a lot out of a solver, you do need to put the work in. From learning the functions and using them properly to interpreting results and implementing positive changes to your game. The onus is on you.

If you’re willing to put in the work, the rewards are definitely there. For cash game players, MTT’ers or SNG players. If you’re a serious player trying to move up in stakes. If you’re focused on winning. The opportunity to expand your knowledge of the game and implement strong winning strategies is attainable.

Use of poker GTO solvers is on the rise but certainly isn’t a ‘main stream’ application to have. In the future, with better technology solvers might be simple add-ons to a lot of the programs most players have become accustomed to using. Like a basic poker equity calculator, such as equilab.

For now, they are still sophisticated applications only a limited number of players have embraced. Getting in sooner rather than later might provide you with an edge over your rivals.

Get the most out of your poker solver

Along with the specific makers having youtube channels with tutorials, most poker training sites also have videos where GTO solvers are used. Coaches often use the popular PioSOLVER to gain more insight when analyzing situations at the table. There are several videos at sites like RunItOnce and several tutorials are part of the PokerNerve library.

Here’s a glimpse at a PokerNerve tutorial. This video demonstrates one of the ways people are benefitting from using PioSOLVER for study.


Despite solvers having their limitations;

  • Somewhat cumbersome to learn and use
  • Calculations are slow to process
  • Pricey for the lower limit player

GTO poker solvers provide studious players with a powerful learning tool;

  • Ability to work out GTO solutions
  • Calculate optimal strategic responses to situations encountered at the table

Examining GTO solutions allows players to identify and learn strong strategical concepts. Such as how often to cbet, what size, and with what types of hands. How often to check-raise in spots. What cards to barrel on, and so forth.

General takeaways that can help a player improve their overall game plan, and gain a better understanding of what their opponents might be doing as well.

Furthermore, by using the lock strategy feature you can calculate optimal strategic responses to opponent tendencies you’ve discovered.

Exploring specific solutions to situations you encounter against opponents from your regular games. So you can see how to take action and exploit them.

It’s not a quick magical solution. But if you’re willing to put in the effort to learn and get accustomed to using a solver. The reward is having a powerful poker computing device that will help you improve your poker skill. Giving you an edge at the tables.

One of the quickest way to improve your poker game is to take on a course or join a poker training site; if that is something that interests you be sure to check out the PokerNerve Road to Success Course.

Last updated: 07/01/20

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Meet DTO Poker – Your Personal Poker Trainer. We took the convenience of your mobile phone and paired it with cutting edge poker strategy produced by Dominik Nitsche</span></a> and Markus Prinz</span></a>.u00a0The result is a never before seen study tool that lets you train millions of postflop situations. As a poker training app for your phone.</span></p>','tablet':','phone':'

Meet DTO Poker – Your Personal Poker Trainer. We took the convenience of your mobile phone and paired it with cutting edge poker strategy produced by Dominik Nitsche and Markus Prinz. The result is a never before seen study tool that lets you train millions of postflop situations. As a poker training app for your phone.

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DTO Poker lets you study the same concepts the world’s best player use to dominate today’s ultra competitive tournaments. In an extremely fun and exciting way! Studying game theory has never been easier.

DTO Poker brings the most advanced poker game theory concepts straight to your phone.u00a0</span>Now you can work on your game anywhere and anytime you like.</span></p>','tablet':','phone':'

DTO Poker brings the most advanced poker game theory concepts straight to your phone. Now you can work on your game anywhere and anytime you like.

GTO Poker results can sometimes look strange to us humans, which is why we decided to launch a discord server</a> dedicated to making sense of some of the crazy plays our poker app recommends!</span></span></p>','tablet':','phone':'

GTO Poker results can sometimes look strange to us humans, which is why we decided to launch a discord server dedicated to making sense of some of the crazy plays our poker app recommends!



Our revolutionary poker app brings thousands of hours of GTO study from some of the world’s best poker players straight to your phone. With already over 200,000,000 GTO scenarios pre-solved, the DTO Poker App offers a unique way to effectively study poker – all in the palm of your hand.


Poker Scenarios


A fair number of the best tournament players have already used the DTO Poker Trainer App to develop their game and gave us their honest feedback.

‘’I couldn’t recommend it more! DTO Poker is by far my favorite App of 2019. Using it will improve your Poker skillset more rapidly than any other program/ video course I’ve seen before and all that while you feel like you’re playing a game.’’

Manig Löser

‘’If you’re looking to actually work on your game, putting time into DTO Poker is one of the best ways I could suggest doing so. Combine GTO learning with a fun game and you have DTO Poker.’’

Steffen Sontheimer

‘’I think it’s an awesome app. Very easy to be productive on the move. Surprised that it’s this addictive. Also find it very useful to work with when I’m doing exercise like powerwalk, cycling or just walking outside. Normally I hate to do this, but with DTO Poker time flies by!’’

Simon Rønnow Pedersen


‘’While I do regulary study by reviewing hand histories and running SIMS with friends, DTO Poker has become the easiest and most efficient way to study for me. I use it most days even if only for 30 minutes in bed. The improvements continue to make this app easily worth the monthly sub and I would definitely recommend to a friend.’’

Pokersnowie Scenarios

Parker Talbot // @tonkaaaap



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