Macro Trinket Slot Wow

Starting aDeath KnightDemon HunterDruidHunterMageMonkPaladinPriestRogueShamanWarlockWarrior
TacticsDeath KnightDemon HunterDruidHunterMageMonkPaladinPriestRogueShamanWarlockWarrior
Class racesDeath KnightDemon HunterDruidHunterMageMonkPaladinPriestRogueShamanWarlockWarrior
QuestsDeath KnightDemon HunterDruidHunterMageMonkPaladinPriestRogueShamanWarlockWarrior
AbilitiesDeath KnightDemon HunterDruidHunterMageMonkPaladinPriestRogueShamanWarlockWarrior
TrainersDeath KnightDemon HunterDruidHunterMageMonkPaladinPriestRogueShamanWarlockWarrior
Armor setsDeath KnightDemon HunterDruidHunterMageMonkPaladinPriestRogueShamanWarlockWarrior
Useful macrosDeath KnightDemon HunterDruidHunterMageMonkPaladinPriestRogueShamanWarlockWarrior
Class HallsDeath KnightDemon HunterDruidHunterMageMonkPaladinPriestRogueShamanWarlockWarrior

Yes - there are multiple ways of identifying it: - simply the name of the trinket: /use Token of Strength OR /use 13 (top trinket slot in character pane, 14 is the bottom). This rotates 5 trinkets (in slots 1-4 of bag 4 and equipment slot 14) through slot 14, and 5 trinkets (in slots 5-8 of bag 4 and equipment slot 13) Through slot 13. The /stopmacro line is there to keep from getting the in combat errors. I just click the macro after every fight and the next two trinkets are equipped.

General guides

Macros Beginners Guide
Making a macro
Macro conditionals
Macro commands

Useful macros by class

  • 1Macro Formatting Guidelines
  • 2Arms Macros
  • 3Fury Macros
  • 4Protection Macros
  • 5PvP Macros

Macro Formatting Guidelines

Note: With the release of 6.0.2, many spells have been renamed, and much of the scripted command functionality has been modified. In an effort to keep Wowpedia posts relevant, please re-validate and re-post macros that work in the current version.

Re-Creating Old Macros

When re-creating a macro in Useful macros please

  • follow the example format posted below (to get the frame around your macro, add a space before you start it)
  • describe what it does
  • note the version of WoW in which you tested it
  • remove it from the Old Macros page

Example Macro

  • Use: This yells, 'Hooray, I made a macro!'
  • Works in 6.x

Arms Macros

Focus charge/intercept/intervene

(Tested in 4.0) This macro will cast Charge in Battle Stance, Intercept in Berserker Stance and Intervene in Defensive stance if your target is friendly. Finally, this macro turns on your auto-attack if the target is hostile, cancels your Bladestorm and casts Battle Shout. This macro is compatible with the [Juggernaut] talent.

Heroic/Slam Rage Dump

This macro will allow you to easy choose between [Heroic Strike] and [Slam] to dump your excess of rage or to just simplify the buttons you've to push. The default is to cast [Heroic Strike] and will cast [Slam] if any modifier is pressed (CTRL/ALT/SHIFT)

Bladestorm DPS Fun Macro

This macro will play the Herod sound 'Blades of Light!' when you cast it. You can also insert a trinket to use to make it even better, for example [Mark of Supremacy]. This way you will activate both the ability and the trinket.

Fury Macros

Slam on Bloodsurge Proc

  • Makes Dpsing as Fury a little easier and take less attention, what I do is set up WW BT HS and this macro next to each other and spam them. This way it will activate Slam, if Bloosurge hasn't procced then it will automatically stop casting it and continue your autoattack, and if Bloodsurge has procced then you'll use up the instant Slam and your rotation can continue smoothly.

Shield/Two Hander Swap

If you are in Berserker Stance with two two-handers, this will swap your shield with your off hand and put you into Defensive stance in one press of the button.Pressing it again will return you back to Berserker stance and switch your off-hand back to the original two two-handers instead of replacing the main-hand.

Protection Macros

Mouseover Taunt

Macro trinket slot wow classic

If holding alt (Change to whatever mod you prefer) taunts your mouseover target, so you don't have to loose your current target, if not modified then taunts your current target


Onebutton Warbringer Macro w/ Cata

This macro allows a warrior to use all five of the distance-closing abilities in one button. Using the macro with no modifiers will either Taunt the target or Intervene the target if friendly; Alt will activate Heroic Leap; Control will activate Heroic Throw; Shift will Charge or intercept if Charge is on cooldown. The icon also shows which one you would be using.

Wow Macro Trinket Slot

PvP Macros

Two-click Shield Wall toggle

Make an equipment set called TANK that equips a shield. Make an equipment set called PvP that equips your Two-Hand weapon...

  • First Click
    • Shift into Defensive Stance
    • Equips your shield
  • Wait for the global cooldown to finish...
  • Second Click
    • Casts Shield Wall
    • Shift back into Battle Stance
    • Requip your Two-Hander
Wow macro equip trinket slot
  • Note: Stance dancing is not required anymore, since Shield Wall no longer has a stance requirement. Therefore, the 1st and 4th lines are optional.

Two-click Spell Reflection

The above macro can be used for Spell Reflection as well.

  • First Click
    • Shift into Defensive Stance
    • Equips your shield
  • Wait for the global cooldown to finish...
  • Second Click
    • Casts Spell Reflection
    • Shift back into Battle Stance
    • Requip your Two-Hander
  • Note: Stance dancing is not required for Arms warriors anymore, since Spell Reflection is now useable in Battle Stance as well. Therefore, the 1st and 4th lines are optional.

Alternate Weapon Switching Macros

If, when using the above macros, you find yourself accidentally removing the [Spell Reflection] or [Shield Wall] buff by switching back to a 2-hander before the buff fades (which may happen if you're a button masher in PvP), you can use a slightly modified version of the above macros. Remember to ignore all the other non-weapon slots when creating the PvP and TANK sets, as otherwise you may accidentally switch armor sets if out of combat (other set names, such as 2H and Shield respectively, will work as well; simply substitute your preferred set name(s) in the macros).

For [Spell Reflection]:

For [Shield Wall]:

And pair those macros with one for [Mortal Strike] and/or [Overpower]:

Using the above macro(s) in combination with the [Shield Wall] and [Spell Reflection] macros ensures you will not cancel the buff accidentally by unequipping your shield, while still allowing you to switch back to your main weapon quickly when necessary.

  • All macros tested and verified in 4.3.4
  • Death knight
  • Demon hunter
  • Druid
  • Hunter
  • Mage
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Priest
  • Rogue
  • Shaman
  • Warlock
  • Warrior
  • Warrior macros
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General guides

Macros Beginners Guide
Making a macro
Macro conditionals
Macro commands

Useful macros by class

Main Menu

This page lists macro conditionals, keywords used with macro commands, the RestrictedEnvironment and the SecureStateDriver API to allow limited logic for player convenience without trivializing the game.

Trinket Slot Macro Wow Classic

Refer to secure command options for syntax and making a macro for a tutorial.

Targeting keywords

Targeting keywords begin with @ and assign a temporary target to the macro command. (This does not change the player's selected target.)

Any valid unitId.
Immediately targets the ground under the cursor.
Interupts auto self-cast and requires a targeting cursor.

Boolean conditions

All other conditionals evaluate as either true to execute the macro command, or false to skip it. The no prefix reverses this (ie, nodead means alive).

The following tables categorize each boolean condition by whether it evaluates the state of any target, only the player, or the user interface.

Evaluated against a target
Macro ConditionalSimilar APIDescription
existsUnitExists()The unit exists
help, harmUnitCanAssist() and UnitCanAttack()The unit exists and can be targeted by helpful/harmful spells
deadUnitIsDeadOrGhost()The unit exists and is dead
party, raidUnitInParty() and UnitInRaid()The unit exists and is in your party/raid
unithasvehicleuiUnitInVehicle()The unit exists and is in a vehicle

Evaluated against the player only
Macro ConditionalSimilar APIDescription
canexitvehicleCanExitVehicle()In a vehicle and able to exit
channeling, channeling:spellNameUnitChannelInfo('player') and ChannelInfo()Channeling any spell, or a certain spell
combatInCombatLockdown or UnitAffectingCombat('player')In combat
equipped:type, worn:typeIsEquippedItemType(type)Refer to itemType for possible types (ie, weapon) and subtypes (ie, sword)
flyableIsFlyableArea()Unreliable in Wintergrasp
flyingIsFlying()Mounted or flight form, and in the air
form:n, stance:nGetShapeshiftForm()Refer to GetShapeshiftForm for possible values
group, group:party, group:raidIsInGroup() and IsInRaid()Self-explanatory
indoors, outdoorsIsIndoors() and IsOutdoors()Self-explanatory
pet:name, pet:familyUnitCreatureFamily('pet')Using a hunter pet by name or family
petbattleC_PetBattles.IsInBattle()In a pet battle
restingIsResting()In a rested zone
spec:n, spec:n1/n2GetActiveSpecGroup(false)Activated the n'th (or any of n1, n2) spec
talent:row/colThe given row/col talent is active

Wow Macro Equip Trinket Slot

Evaluated against the user interface (action bars, keyboard, mouse)
Macro ConditionalSimilar APIDescription
actionbar:n, bar:n, or bar:n1/n2/...GetActionBarPage()The n'th (or any of n1, n2, ...) action bar page appears
bonusbar, bonusbar:nHasBonusActionBar()The bonus action bar is visible; see
button:n, btn:n1/n2/..., btn:<virtual click>OnClickThe mouse button used as left (1), right (2), middle (3), extra (4 & 5) or virtual
cursorGetCursorInfo()Dragging an action button (item, spell, macro, etc.)
extrabarHasExtraActionBar()An extra action bar/button is visible
modifier, mod, mod:key, mod:actionIsModifierKeyDown() or IsModifiedClick(action)Accepts shift, ctrl, alt, lshift, rshift, ..., and any action title
overridebarHasOverrideActionBar()The override bar is replacing the main action bar
possessbarIsPossessBarVisible()The possess bar is visible
shapeshiftHasTempShapeshiftActionBar()The temporary shapeshift action bar is replacing the main action bar
vehicleuiHasVehicleActionBar()The vehicle UI is active

Wow Macro Use Trinket Slot 1

Patch changes

Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): 'talent' conditional added.
Patch 2.3.0 (2007-11-13): Several conditions and shorthand alternatives added.[1]
Patch 2.0.1 (2006-12-05): Added.


  1. ^Iriel and slouken 2007-08-08. Re: Upcoming 2.3 Changes - Concise List.

Wow Macro Trinket Slot Number

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