Compare And Contrast Insurance Gambling And Speculation

Gambling and speculation play an important role in financial markets. These and related activities are often associated with high levels of trading volume, high return volatility, and low average returns (e.g., Scheinkman and Xiong, 2003; Hong, Scheinkman, and Xiong, 2006; Grinblatt and Keloharju, 2009, Dorn and Sengmueller, 2009).

  1. 38 The Gambling Culture Differences between gambling anD investing In its simplest form, gambling is when a person gives money specifically for the mere chance of receiving more money. Chance is the probability that a particular outcome will occur—e.g., on a spinning roulette wheel, how.
  2. Probability is often used in mathematics, statistics, finance, gambling, science, artificial intelligence/machine learning and philosophy. Probability theory is also used to describe the underlying mechanics and regularities of complex systems. In relation to risk, probability is used to figure out the chance that taking a risk will pay off.

Warren Buffet’s secret to succeeding in Wall Street is simple. “…try to be greedy when others are fearful and try to be fearful when others are greedy.” And sure, Buffet is the king of Wall Street. His ingenious art of speculation earned him a net worth big enough to be the richest man in the world for many years.

Despite this, most market traders speculate year after year to no avail. In fact, many traders lose more money than they earn. Like gamblers, their efforts at speculation bears little fruits. So, is speculation among investors the same as gambling? If not, what are the differences?

Time Frame of Expected Gains

Most gamblers expect results immediately. Whether it’s a game of blackjack or sports betting, players wager knowing they will have results soon. By comparison, speculators don’t always expect immediate gains.

Think of farmers. They plant corn expecting there will be demand for their crops six months afterward. No one is ever sure whether this will be true or not. But they cultivate, weed and invest in their farms until harvest time arrives. That’s speculation.

According to Buffet, a good way to differentiate speculation from gambling, in this case, is that farmers can lock profits before harvest time. In casinos, a bet is rarely altered. Once you back the ball to land on a red pocket in roulette, there is no way out.

Long term Returns

Even pathological gamblers understand this. In betting, you win or lose. And the more you gamble, the more likely you lose. Speculation is different. There is risk involved and winning is never guaranteed but speculators have always found ways to make profits in the long term.

Casinos do everything to make profits off gamblers’ money. They place a house edge in every game, remove clocks off the walls and reward players for small wins every time. In return, gamblers play more than they should and leave most of their money in the casino.

Of course, not all manner of speculation leads to overall gains. In day trading, speculating price movements within minutes is often too similar to gambling. There is little data to tell you which way the market moves at times, leaving you to gamble your trades.

Role of Chance

Chance is certainly an important factor when speculating and gambling things. But there is a big difference in how it affects the two financial tools. When speculating, chance is fairly or highly important.

If there is no chance of making profits, why even speculate? Gambling also involves betting on things with a high chance of happening. But at times though, people do gamble on things with very little chances of happening.
Imagine betting that either goalkeeper in a football match scores the first goal. It could happen (maybe a penalty) but the chances of it happening are low.

Definitive Outcome

You can’t speculate something that will never happen. In investing, you either speculate market movements or items bound to happen. In gambling, it’s not necessary that what something predicts happens.

Let’s say you gamble on which player gets booked first in a football match. There are 22 players and anyone could get booked. But saying the goalie gets booked first is a long shot that may not happen. By comparison, speculating that the South African and will gain value after oil was discovered there either will happen or not.

Simply put, the outcome is definitive when speculating. It’s also guaranteed when playing many games. But in certain sports betting wagers, like props, the outcome could or could not happen.


Depending on who you ask, speculation is done for many reasons. Some speculate market movements to better calculate the value of stocks or currencies in the future. Others speculate to invest in something and profit off their predictions. Still, there are some who use speculation to protect their long-term investments.
By comparison, gambling serves a single purpose—to make profits. Fine, gambling is also fun and evokes all kinds of emotions. But no one places their money on the line without hoping to win.

Decision Making Process

Investors crave data and spend tons of hours trying to analyze information before making any speculations. Some spend hours following business news and watching market trades. No decision is made blindly.
By comparison, research is often a non-issue when gambling. Simply log into your favorite casino account. Pick a game of choice and start playing. You could find out how to play poker or blackjack online. But there is little information that can help increase your wins.
Sure, there are lots of ideas on how to turn casino gambling into skills based games. But the reality is that most of them are pure risk gambles.


Compare and contrast insurance gambling and speculation companyGambling

No one ever went to jail for speculation. On the other hand, people are arrested for illegal gambling all the time. The argument here is that gambling has negative social and economic effects. From problematic gambling that leads to financial disruptions, to social effects—there are many documents that show the side effects of gambling.
By comparison, there are no effects to speculating. You could speculate the US dollar to lose value in the next month but you lose nothing until you put your money on the line. Again, speculation has utility in any economy.
Not only does speculating help investors gain confidence in currencies or stocks but it also helps keep trading actively. Gambling also has economic benefits. But as already mentioned, its negative effects are often too many to warrant some countries to ban it.

To Conclude

Speculation and gambling are often linked to each other. And true, many speculators gamble their money by selecting trades without much due diligence. On the other hand, gamblers speculate outcomes all the time.
Still, there are lots of differences. Warren Buffet believes that if you can speculate and lock profits at some time in the future, you are not gambling. Additionally, you could speculative to earn profits in the long term. Gamblers predict things to make profits in the present. Such differences and more keep things clear that speculating and gambling are two different activities.

Insurance is crucial if you want to keep your family and yourself financially-secure in case of any emergency or an untoward incident. Despite the private sector providing insurance solutions, government has also entered into this industry with various insurance schemes to provide benefits to the insurers. The health insurance exchange in California provides a number of insurance policies to those looking for health cover.

The government in United States has initiated the Obama care health insurance scheme in California and throughout the country. It promises benefits such as no limits on annual or lifetime healthcare, making top health insurance companies liable to provide you with coverage despite mistake on application form among others. However, still a large number of people prefer choosing the private companies to have their insurance needs met.

Hence, the top six areas mentioned below will tell you about the difference between a government and private insurance.

  1. Coverage:

    Government insurance comprises family members getting co-insured at no extra cost. However, private insurance provides coverage for each member of the family as a separate individual; every member has to purchase a separate insurance policy.

  1. Medical Facilities:

    Depending on the amount of the policy, private insurance provides more options while choosing the best medical care in private or semi-private institutions. Government insurance on the other hand involves references and in many cases, an alternative treatment is not available.

  1. Billing:

    Private Insurance companies provide customized billing for each item involved in your healthcare. However, government insurance on the other hand does not include such a thing as the money is directly deducted from your policy.

  1. Additional Cost:

    Private Insurance takes care of each little aspect of your health-related emergencies. Government insurance on the other hand takes care of less costly expenses and the rest has to be paid on one’s own expenses.

  1. Time:

    While filing a claim from a private insurance company one can get their work done within less time frame. However, with millions of customer standing at government insurance offices, it may take a long time for your turn to come.

  1. Enrollment:

    Private Insurance has a fixed age to register for the policy and the associated benefits. It is usually done in circumstances of child birth or marriage. Government insurance on the other hand can be taken at any time of the year and there are no fixed parameters to be fulfilled.

Both private and government insurance have strengths and weaknesses in their respective realms. On one hand, Obama care promises health benefits to low-earning families and on the other hand, private insurance promises instant care to the policy holder. The final decision comes down to the person who wants to get insured and what health benefits he or she would like to avail.

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What is private healthcare insurance?

Insurance whose coverage is neither offered by a state nor a federal government, but by a private entity such as a broker or an insurance company is called private health insurance. You can find many options for private health insurance; some of which are:

Compare And Contrast Insurance Gambling And Speculation Fees

  • Offered through agents or legal brokers.
  • Group Health Plan for employers.
  • State marketplace plans.

Under Obamacare health insurance California, most of the affordable health insurance in California provide basic coverage against your private health insurance. Other options such as short-term plans or catastrophic coverage may not come under Obamacare as they offer different benefits.

Is private health insurance cheaper?

By no means, a private health insurance plan can cost less compared to the public or employer-sponsored health insurance plan. Health insurance exchange California quotes and compares the price ranges of both the insurance plans. On average, the premium for an employer-sponsored grouped insurance plan is $1,186 for a person compared to $7,200 per person opting for a private health insurance plan.

Compare And Contrast Insurance Gambling And Speculation Tax

The benefits provided by employer-sponsored health insurance are less compared to other private affordable health insurance in California. The private health insurance gives you varied options, whereas the latter gives you only two to three options.

What is the purpose of private health insurance?

The main purpose of private health insurance is to cover some specific health issues that require treatment from a private health institute. In simple words, it covers up the hospital bills and other medical costs that Medicare does not cover.

Under public health insurance, the cost of having an X-ray at the hospital or any other specialized treatment may or may not be a part of Medicare. This may end up with a considerable amount of a bill during discharging. Having private health insurance would save a large sum of your money.

It is important to know that private health insurance covers two costs: hospital expenses and general treatment expenses. Depending on your residential location, it also includes an ambulance facility as a part of a third category of having private health insurance at Fullerton.

Why do people choose private health insurance?

Although Health Insurance in California quotes less premium for public health insurance, Health insurance in Fullerton has figured out the reason for an inclination of people towards option for private health insurance exchange California.

  • A person holding private health insurance can skip the waiting list for certain surgeries; otherwise found in a public hospital with government federal insurance plans.
  • People like to have their own private space. Having a private health insurance plan assures a private room in a private hospital.
  • People get an option to reclaim their money on non-Medicare health services.
  • Medicare doesn’t cover the dental expense. However, having a private health insurance plan promises to cover up the basic dental expense at the private clinic.
  • In a public hospital, they allocate the next available doctor to you for the treatment. However, the patients get the choice to choose their doctor if they have a private health insurance plan.

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